Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The One We Call Tyler

He's always in a pool, always a little punk, always acting up, always getting his way.  This is my brother and I love him to death.  

This is just a post to talk a little more about my personal life which includes my brother completely.  Since he was 5 years old, (now 10), I've been babysitting him every single day ...  And boy do I have stories.  The kid drives me nuts.  But truthfully, he's shown me what it means to feel like a family.  My family has been split up since before I can remember and don't get me wrong - I love my life the way its turning out.  But truthfully, we're not the closest family.  

My family supports me in whatever I want to do and I know they'll always be there for me so I'm not complaining at all.  Tyler is different though.  My relationship with my little brother is probably my most prized possession.  

I feel as if Tyler and I are the closest siblings out of our family - Even though he cries hysterically when my sister leaves our house to go home.  It's okay, he'll be crying when I leave for college soon ;).  

I used to bitch and moan about how I needed to put my plans to the side to watch my little brother after school, but now that he's old enough to watch himself, most of the time, I'd rather be home with him.  I know thats how siblings are supposed to be but theres a little more to the story. 

Its no secret that my sister and I don't get along.  We've never been close and to this day, she swears that its because when I was two years old, I broke her crayons.  Great start right? Its a well known fact in my family that if my sister and I are together for more than a few hours, we'll be ready to bite each other's heads off.

In the living room of our two story apartment at my dads house when I was probably 5 years old, she admits to pinching me until I woke up while sleeping in the same bed and then pretending to sleep.  Just evil.

Or how about when I was 11 and she would "watch" me after school but hide the only food that I knew how to make because she didn't want me to eat them all? - Ramen of course, but still. WTF?

Anyway, after growing up with her bullying me, I promised that I wouldn't do the same to him.  Don't get me wrong, I used to have my days and he had his.  If you threaten, badmouth, or hurt my little brother, We'll have a serious problem.  But I only hope that when he grows up, he wont think of me in a negative way at all because that's been my goal since he was born.

Anyway, this is my brother, my love, my pride and joy, my life.  I wouldn't give this kid up for the whole world.  He's a little punk, but he's my little punk.


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