Friday, June 17, 2011

Oh, Sweet Graduation

Class of 2011 
Words can't describe how excited I am to walk across that stage tonight, grab my diploma, and never look back.  Everyone says it hasn't hit them yet, but it hit me about an hour ago.  I'll NEVER have to walk into that God Forsaken building ever again.  

Through bad teachers and even worse friends, I can honestly say that I'm ready for a new chapter in my life to begin.  Starting tonight, I'm a new person.  

I'm ready to head off to college.  On August 26th, I'll be moving into my apartment with a friend of mine and we'll be starting school together the following week.  

I always wondered what today would be like, and I'll tell you what its turned out to be for me.  When you try on your cap and gown the day of graduation, the thoughts never end. 

I wonder what I would be like if I was still in my old school?

I wonder what would have happened if I didn't meet my best friend?

I wonder if my parents will cry tonight at the ceremony?

I wonder if my friends will still be there for me when I go to school?

I wonder who I'll keep in touch with?

I wonder if I'll trip? ...(Totally gunna be me.)

I wonder what my future holds?

There's no stopping all of these questions once you're dressed and ready to shake some hands, give some hugs, and make a run for it after you grab your diploma.   You also have memories go through your head.  Like that time that your mom didn't let you out on a friday night and you thought it was the worst night of your life.  Or maybe losing loved ones that you wish could be with you on the night of your graduation.  Memories of endless sleepovers, drunken nights, crying on a best friend's shoulder, laughing at a Dane Cook comedy strip, coming home ten minutes past curfew and thinking you were BADASS ... All of these things ran through my mind and all I can say is I'm ready to keep the good memories and forget the bad ones. 

Congratulations class of 2011 ... We did it!

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