Thursday, June 16, 2011

Class Night

As senior year is coming to an end, the seniors have plenty of activities to take part.  Yesterday's activity was 
Class Night.
Each of the Seniors, including myself, showed up to practice yesterday morning bright and early.  I feel as though all of the seniors are so ready to be done with this chapter in their lives that their done with giving teachers a hard time and just want to get shit done.  Especially this rehearsal.  Everyone who showed up was eager to get out of the rehearsal as fast as they can to continue with their afternoon plans. 
 Will and I outside Class Night

I personally, was not enthusiastic about this event - of course I'll never let it show in the pictures, but I really just wanted this night to be over with.  I bought a $12 dress (Marshalls!) and was ready to GO. I don't think I've ever been so ready for anything to end in my life.  

High school, as of tomorrow, is officially over for me.  

Shits crazy right? Almost done. Its unreal to think that my high school career after tomorrow is completely and totally over for me.  It seems like just a month ago I walked through the doors of Wheeler High School as a freshman, scared and uncertain of my place in the school.  Now I'm leaving, and preparing myself to be another incoming freshman at Western Connecticut State University. 

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